Froomle beats Google AI

We benchmarked 3 different in-house recommender systems against Google AI

Froomle beats Google AI

We benchmarked 3 different in-house recommender systems against Google AI


What has been their challenge?

Could Froomle beat the Google Recommendation AI (GRAI) in CTR and conversion? Based on the possibilities of the GRAI, this comparison could only be based on the Dreamland homepage carrousel on the Dutch language website.


How did we approach this case?

We continuously benchmarked 3 different in-house recommender systems against GRAI, keeping the one with the best results after each iteration and testing new variations. Our fundamental techniques were collaborative filtering, content-based recommendations (using product metadata), and a deep learning technique.


How did we solve their problem?

This is the final result

We outperformed Google with both our collaborative filtering and deep learning techniques, improving CTR for known users by 20%. During the benchmark, we gathered learnings to increase homepage relevance, including showing products clicked before, diversifying recommendations based on brand, and using a short popularity window to catch trends.

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Graphic CTR and average attributed revenue per visitor
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