When taking in sales through multiple channels, it can be difficult to offer personalization as you do not have more then their purchase history to go off. On top of that, if their orders are typically the same everytime, product discovery can be almost none existent.
The Froomle Omnichannel Offer Module focuses on empowering your sales team to be confident recommending products to your clients regardless of channel.
Whether you want a solution to implement in your current sales tool, or a completely separate interface, the module will use previous client history in combination with all your customer data to recommend the most relevant item to that account.
Perfect for teams:
Using first party cookies, recommendations are suggested that relate directly to an accounts purchasing behavior.
Froomle specializes in using Al to show the most relevant items to that specific user using algorithms trained off the data of all your customers in order to predict the right products to recommend.
Module focused on increasing the user loyalty for post-purchase emails, showing add-ons and novelties matching the purchased products.
>>If you are creating a personal shopper application to guide users to interesting products or a checklist for helping them discover your products, Froomle can support with our AI-based product recommendations.
>>To get started, Froomle will require the following data:
If your team is looking for a stand alone tool, then our standard branded interface can be set up with the recommendations set up by Froomle.
This data combined with a few lines of code will have your module up and running!
Let us show you the Froomle effect: Reach out to us at demo@froomle.com!